Monday, September 21, 2020

VCG EXCLUSIVE! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Mutanimals and Mondo Gecko REVEAL from IDW Games!

 Last Saturday Pete Walsh from IDW Games joined me for GraniteCon@Home and we got chatting about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures "Change is Constant" and "City Fall" as well as Batman: The Animated Series Adventures. You can watch the session HERE.

During the session Pete gave us a VCG exclusive by revealing the upcoming Mutanimals expansion for the Adventures System box cover art!

As you can see it's AMAZING! IDW Games will be announcing shortly how you can acquire this expansion very soon according to Pete. In the meantime stay tuned to IDW Games at and on their Facebook at
Pete also didn't stop with the box art reveal and gave us yet ANOTHER exclusive reveal! This time it is the render of the Mondo Gecko miniature that will be included in this expansion!
As you can see it's TOTALLY TUBULAR! I love the details and the fact that you'll be able to pair Mikey on his skateboard with Mondo!
Let me know in the comments who you are most excited about in the Mutanimals expansion!
Thank you to Pete Walsh and IDW Games for being a part of GraniteCon@Home and giving us exclusive previews for their Adventures line.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing recent updates regarding the concern, I look forward to read more.
