I'm excited to announce VCG Online Con 2020! 6 Days of RPG actual plays, panels and guests!
We have some wonderful things planned! All starting at 1PM EDT on Monday, April 6th!
We'll be kicking things of with a session of Happiest Apocalypse on Earth with Christopher Grey! Then we'll have a panel of Top 5 Gateway Games with Sour Lama Studios, Joined by Gaming and Quarterstaff Games. We've got more planned for Monday but...
Then it's Takeover Tuesday with...
They will be running games of Mazes and The Excellents AND they will also have panels on Consent in Gaming and one featuring POC podcasting and gaming!
The rest of the days there will be panels on freelancing and running a FLGS as well as actual plays of Spirt of '77, Kids on Bikes, Aliens and MORE!
Oh, I didn't mention April 11th yet? Stay tuned.