Here's our list of stocking stuffer games for 2015. Check with your FLGS first to see if they have or can get these games in stock, but if they can't we've provided links to purchase them online.
1. Star Realms - Great two player deck builder by White Wizard Games. Small box, small price, total value. Buy two copies and play four player!
2. Love Letter - All editions are great by AEG, but Batman is our favorite!
3. Sushi Go! - This is a great pick and pass family card game by Gamewright Games.
4. Timeline - You can't go wrong with any of these games by Asmodee. Plus they are sneakily educational!
5. DestinyQuest gamebooks - if there is a RPGer on your list, these are great books with a lot of replay value by an outstanding author, Michael J. Ward.
6. Epic Card Game - another great game by White Wizard Games. Small box, small price and scratches that Magic the Gathering itch.
7. Tiny Epic Galaxies - this game by Gamelyn Games is possibly the best game in their Tiny Epic series.
8. Dice Masters - boosters or starters will fit in stockings! Wizkids' dice game is perfect for a superhero or DnD fan.
9. Star Wars Empire vs. Rebellion - this game by Fantasy Flight Games is a small, light card game that will be perfect for your Star Wars fan.
10. One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Bezier Games publishes this great hidden role, party game. Easy to learn and quick to play, kids love it.
What games would you put on this list?
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